
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Are YOU 'Building Up' or 'Tearing Down'?
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
No matter what you do in this world, someone’s not going to like it!
Earlier this week, I saw TWO examples of people leveling negative feedback to people in their lives, who were just trying to put themselves out there.
Face it, no matter what you do in the world, someone’s going to attack you for it, or at least not be supportive.
We have made a FREE Vision Board Masterclass available (along with other helpful programs) at MotivationalFirewood.com.
Want to have a chat to see how Steve can help? Set up a FREE 15-minute conversation by visiting SteveChats.com.
Are YOU part of the Facebook Vision Board Mastery Facebook Group yet? Very cool community, and much of what is shared there helps to inspire future show topics.
See you all in the next episode!

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Gratitude...and BBQ Sauce!
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
What are *you* grateful for each day?
Sometimes the little stuff is what can keep you going most.
Here's what happened after a friend called me with an unusual confession!
Want to learn how to grow your Gratitude Muscles as part of the the 'Big Picture' of your life?
Visit MotivationalFirewood.com to learn how.

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Are Your Business (and Life) Fired Up?
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Are YOU putting in the work, every day, to keep your business going...and growing?
Are you generating enough heat?
Is your fire hot enough?
Are you attracting the energy and support you need to grow?
Keep shoveling, intelligently...and fire yourself up.
want to learn how YOU can 'bring the heat' better than you are today?
Visit MotivationalFirewood.com

Friday Sep 13, 2019
The Wonder...of 'Wonder'!
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Kids have 'wonder' about pretty much everything.
And that's a cool gift to have.
As adults, many of us have lost ours.
Today's radio Show shares the story of a sidewalk lunch, several years ago, that painted this picture for me...in full-color.
The 'Wonder' of wonder.
What could YOU be excited about, on your path today...and what amazing gift could you find in it?

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: Dustin Metzler, founder of "The Pay It Forward Effect"!
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
One of our favorite topics is KINDNESS. Let it be random, private, public, solo or a whole bunch of people...but let it BE!
I recently discovered an amazing movement called The Pay it Forward Effect and reached out to founder Dustin Metzler to learn more about what they are doing, their goal, and how YOU an be part of it all!

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Who Is Cheering You On? Who are YOU Cheering On?
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
It can be disheartening sometimes.
Who is cheering you on?
Who are YOU cheering on?
It's important.
In this episode, i share a lesson that my Dad taught me, back in Little League, which still echoes for me today!

Friday Aug 09, 2019
"Is *THIS* a Good Goal for Me?"
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
We have made a FREE Masterclass available (along with other helpful programs) at MotivationalFirewood.com.
Want to have a chat to see how Steve can help? Set up a FREE 15-minute conversation by visiting SteveChats.com.
Are YOU part of the Facebook Vision Board Mastery Facebook Group yet? Very cool community, and much of what is shared there helps to inspire future show topics.
See you all in the next episode!

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Vision Board Mastery: See It. Glue It. Do it!
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Keep these images where you can see them daily. Allow others to see them.
What are YOU willing to do, today, to get closer to just ONE goal, hope or dream in your life?
As I said at the opening, this 3-step process is super-simplified. As my awesome clients and attendees will attest, I dig out the backhoe in my Vision Board Mastery live events and audio training program and go DEEP, DEEPER and DEEPEST to find the real gold.
Want to learn more?
We have made a FREE Masterclass available (along with other helpful programs) at MotivationalFirewood.com.
Want to have a chat to see how Steve can help? Set up a FREE 15-minute conversation by visiting SteveChats.com.
Are YOU part of the Facebook Vision Board Mastery Facebook Group yet? Very cool community, and much of what is shared there helps to inspire future show topics.
See you all in the next episode!

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
The Power of Conversation (Pork Chops, Voodoo Dolls and Powerball)!
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wherever you find yourself today, you can enjoy a positive conversation.
One of the gifts I received from Dad is the ‘gift of gab’.
He could find himself in just about any given situation and strike up a conversation.
I am most honored to be in possession of that gift.
It rears its chatty head often, sometimes with very funny results.
Last Sunday, while on a grocery store recon mission, it happened...
We have made a FREE Masterclass available (along with other helpful programs) at MotivationalFirewood.com.
Want to have a chat to see how Steve can help? Set up a FREE 15-minute conversation by visiting SteveChats.com.
Are YOU part of the Facebook Vision Board Mastery Facebook Group yet? Very cool community, and much of what is shared there helps to inspire future show topics.
See you all in the next episode!

Monday Jul 29, 2019
Vision Boards (Radio Interview with Kevin Willett)
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Back in 2016, I had the great joy of sharing this conversation with 'Friends of Kevin' Radio Show host Kevin Willett. Here we discuss Vision Boards, how to get started, mistakes to watch out for, and the importance of digging for your WHY.